Millennium Dance Complex has been a go-to for classes, rehearsal and audition space in North Hollywood since it opened it’s door in 1999. It’s main focus has been commercial styles of jazz, hip hop and street styles with a smaller offering of technical dance training. Many notable stars, celebrities and recording artists have always called Millennium home. Recently, it has moved locations to a prime Ventura Blvd. studio and is unrolling a slew of studios opening worldwide for a global presence. You can now take at Millennium Dance Complex in the following cities:
• Los Angeles, CA
• Orange County, CA
• Salt Lake City, CA
• Denver, CO
• Dallas, TX
• Pittsburgh, PA
• Philadelphia, PA
• Tokyo, Japan
And with another 18 cities planned for 2016 including Malaysia, China, Rio De Janeiro, Paris, Toronto as well as other major U.S. cities.
Millennium Dance Complex
11528 Ventura Blvd.
Studio City, CA 91604
Mon-Thurs | 9am – 10pm
Fri | 9am – 8pm
Sat | 9am – 5pm
Sun | 9am – 6 pm
*always call ahead to confirm hours of operation
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Millennium Dance Complex
Movement Lifestyle